Dear community,
I am new with Persalys (v9.0.3) and I am trying to develop a coupling with an hydraulic computation code on Windows for uncertainty quantification.
I sucessfully managed to have a coupling working on a standalone persalys script :
But when I use the Persalys interface (and use the “Import Python…”), it fails with the following traceback:
>>> exec(open(u"C:/PROJETS/python/Stage-2021-M2-DS-Alloul/persalys/", encoding="utf-8").read())
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 53, in _exec
File "C:\softs\Persalys\Lib\site-packages\openturns\", line 249, in execute
raise RuntimeError('Command "' + cmd +
RuntimeError: Command "C:/softs/WinPython-64bits-3.7.4/python-3.7.4.amd64/python.exe C:/PROJETS/python/Crue10_tools/cli/ C:/PROJETS/python/Stage-2021-M2-DS-Alloul/persalys/Etu_CE2016_Conc/Etu_CE2016.etu.xml inputs.json Cc_P012_LE20160202 outputs.csv" returned exit code 3221226505:
Fatal Python error: initfsencoding: unable to load the file system codec
zipimport.ZipImportError: can't find module 'encodings'
Current thread 0x00002b24 (most recent call first):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
File "<string>", line 35, in <module>
File "C:\softs\Persalys\Lib\site-packages\persalys\", line 5334, in run
return _persalys.PhysicalModelAnalysis_run(self)
RuntimeError: InternalException : Python exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 53, in _exec
File "C:\softs\Persalys\Lib\site-packages\openturns\", line 249, in execute
raise RuntimeError('Command "' + cmd +
RuntimeError: Command "C:/softs/WinPython-64bits-3.7.4/python-3.7.4.amd64/python.exe C:/PROJETS/python/Crue10_tools/cli/ C:/PROJETS/python/Stage-2021-M2-DS-Alloul/persalys/Etu_CE2016_Conc/Etu_CE2016.etu.xml inputs.json Cc_P012_LE20160202 outputs.csv" returned exit code 3221226505:
Fatal Python error: initfsencoding: unable to load the file system codec
zipimport.ZipImportError: can't find module 'encodings'
Current thread 0x00002b24 (most recent call first):
- Am I doing something wrong?
- Has someone already succeeded in defining a coupling from the Persalys interface on a Windows machine?
This error seems to be linked with a problem within the Persalys python environment/configuration.
For more details, please find hereafter my Persalys Python script :
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import print_function
import openturns as ot
import persalys
etude = persalys.Study('etude')
Fk_DefautMin = persalys.Input('Fk_DefautMin', 30, 'Fk_DefautMin')
Fk_DefautMaj = persalys.Input('Fk_DefautMaj', 15, 'Fk_DefautMaj')
Y0 = persalys.Output('Y0', '')
inputs = [Fk_DefautMin, Fk_DefautMaj]
outputs = [Y0]
steps = []
input_files = []
input_file0 = persalys.CouplingInputFile('C:/PROJETS/python/Stage-2021-M2-DS-Alloul/persalys/inputs.json')
input_file0.setVariables(['Fk_DefautMin', 'Fk_DefautMaj'], ['@Fk_DefautMin', '@Fk_DefautMaj'], ['{}', '{}'])
resource_files = []
output_files = []
output_file0 = persalys.CouplingOutputFile('outputs.csv')
output_file0.setVariables(['Y0'], ['St_RET150.39a;'], [0], [0], [0])
step0 = persalys.CouplingStep('C:/softs/WinPython-64bits-3.7.4/python-3.7.4.amd64/python.exe C:/PROJETS/python/Crue10_tools/cli/ C:/PROJETS/python/Stage-2021-M2-DS-Alloul/persalys/Etu_CE2016_Conc/Etu_CE2016.etu.xml inputs.json Cc_P012_LE20160202 outputs.csv', input_files, resource_files, output_files)
modele_couplage = persalys.CouplingPhysicalModel('modele_couplage', inputs, outputs, steps)
modele_couplage.setCacheFiles('', '')
values = [30, 15]
evaluation_0 = persalys.ModelEvaluation('evaluation_0', modele_couplage, values)
outputValues = evaluation_0.getResult().getDesignOfExperiment().getOutputSample()
Thank you in advance.
PS : Special thanks for Mathieu C. for making me aware of Persalys (
Best Regards,