Persalys and Code_Aster coupling in Linux Windows


is there a guide to explaing the steps of coupling code_aster and Persalys without going via SalomeMeca?


No there is no specific guideline for this coupling. You need to perform a generic coupling using this type of model like any other software, explanations are provided in the documentation.
There is also a video but it is unfortunately only in French.


Hello @dumas ,

thank you for the swift response! I have seen this documentation but never tried it. I wanted to proceed with my analysis with Persalys help in windows environment and not linux. I am also sure that it would be easier on linux to perform this kind of procedure. Would have any kind of tips or tricks on how to proceed?At the moment i have Persalys and the latest additions of Code Aster and Salome Meca in my windows.

Also, i would like help to implement this kind of procedure because from my experience up to this point with Salome Meca and Persalys or the older version of Openturns i encountered great difficulty in making each study due to the disconectivity that is presented between the two modules of Salome Meca (Aster Study and Persalys/OpenTurns).

Thank you in advance!